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EVS 860:2020 Tehniliste paigaldiste termiline isoleerimine : torustikud, mahutid ja seadmed. Soojusisolatsiooni teostus = Thermal insulation of technical equipment : insulation of pipes, vessels and equipment. Application of thermal insulation
Составитель: Aivo Andrekson, Marek Merendi, Niilo Lukkonen, Margus Korju, Andrus Perandi, Eduard Latõšov, Автор: Eesti Standardikeskus
Azerbaijan - Turkey proceedings of the first international scientific-...Education & Training Center (London) International Research, Haridus- ja Koolituskeskus Rahvusvaheline Teadus-, İzmir) Aspendos Academy (Turkey, prognoses and solutionsinternational scientific-practical virtual conference Science and technology in modern society: problems