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Eesti 100 torti : meie tordimeistrite parimad tordid, koogid ja muud maiused
Составитель: Shvea Järvet, Margot Kuuskmann, Terhi Roll, Alice Sepp, Maarika Sale, Kairi Vimberg, Kerli Aguraiuja, Grete Võrklaev, Редактор: Tiina Lebane, Фотограф: Janne Salumäe, Kerli Sosi, Автор: FiveSpot (firma)
The 14th annual conference of the centre of excellence in Estonian stu...Eesti Kirjandusmuuseum, Eesti-uuringute Tippkeskus, The annual conference of the centre of excellence in Estonian studies, religionand Culture The international conference in the series Balkan and Baltic states in United Europe: history