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A novel workflow for early design stages to ensure daylight and summer thermal comfort in buildings = Uudne töövoog projekteerimise algfaasis, et tagada päevavalgus ja suvine soojusmugavus hoonetes
Author: Abel Sepúlveda Luque, Tallinna Tehnikaülikool. Inseneriteaduskond, Tallinna Tehnikaülikool. Ehituse ja arhitektuuri instituut, Supervisor: Francesco De Luca, Jarek Kurnitski
Report [of the] international seminar "Minorities and majorities in Es...Vadim Polištšuk, Aleksei Semjonov, Inimõiguste Teabekeskus, European Centre for Minority Issues, Norsk senter for menneskerettigheter, international seminar Minorities and majorities in Estonia: problems of integration at the threshold of the EU
Public debt, population ageing and medium-term growth ; (Occasional pa...Alistair Dieppe, Paolo Guarda, Maria Albani, Alberto González Pandiella, Esther Gordo, Owen Grech, Delphine Irac, Juha Kilponen, Luca Marchiori, Ricardo Mourinho Félix, Niki Papadopoulou, Lisa Rodano, Dimitris Sideris, Edgar Vogel, Dmitry Kulikov, Eesti Pank