Available at the authorised workplace in the National Library of Estonia, Archival Library of the Estonian Literary Museum, Tallinn University of Technology Library, University of Tartu Library and Academic Library of Tallinn University
Available in the network of the National Library of Estonia
Editor: Robert Wild, Christopher McLeod, Peter Valentine, Ahto Kaasik, Translator: Anna-Liisa Lutsar, Author of foreword: Kalev Sepp, Thomas Scaaf, Photographer: Ahto Kaasik, Author: International Union for Conservation of Nature. World Commission on Protected Areas, UNESCO. Man and the Biosphere Programm
Acta historica Tallinnensia ; 10Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia, Tallinna Ülikool. Ajaloo Instituut, arheoloogia ja kunstiajaloo keskus Tallinna Ülikool. Ajaloo, Tartu Ülikool