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Media and communication studies interventions and intersections : the intellectual work of the 2010 ECREA European Media and Communication Doctoral Summer School : 15-27 August, Ljubljana ; 6 (The researching and teaching communication ...
Editor: Nico Carpentier, Ilija Tomanić Trivundža, Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, Ebba Sundin, Tobias Olsson, Richard Kilborn, Hannu Nieminen, Bart Cammaerts, Author: European Communication Research and Education Association, European Media and Communication Doctoral Summer School
Azerbaijan - Turkey proceedings of the first international scientific-...Education & Training Center (London) International Research, Haridus- ja Koolituskeskus Rahvusvaheline Teadus-, İzmir) Aspendos Academy (Turkey, prognoses and solutionsinternational scientific-practical virtual conference Science and technology in modern society: problems