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Runup of nonlinear waves of different shapes on a plane beach including effects of dispersion and wave breaking = Laine dispersiooni ja murdumise mõju mittelineaarsete lainete uhtekõrgusele erineva kujuga laugetel randadel
Author: Ahmed Abdalazeez, Tallinna Tehnikaülikool. Loodusteaduskond, Tallinna Tehnikaülikool. Meresüsteemide instituut, Supervisor: Ira Didenkulova, Denys Dutykh
The Futures of Adult Educator(s): Agency, Identity and Ethos : joint c...Trainers and their Professional Development European Society for Research on the Adult Education. Research Network on Adult Educators, Tallinna Ülikool, Identity and EthosESREA/ReNAdET conference The Futures of Adult Educator(s): Agency