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Kontsert kontrabassile ja orkestrile ; Kontsert balalaikale ja orkestrile ; Kontsert tšellole ja orkestrile : (lõpetamata) = Concerto for double bass and orchestra ; Concerto for balalaika and orchestra ; Concerto for violoncello and orchestra : (unfin...
Composer: Eduard Tubin, Editor: Edward Jurkowski, Reet Marttila, Kerri Kotta, Author of foreword: Edward Jurkowski, Translator: Reet Marttila, Noodigraafik: Valdo Preema, Designer: Tiina Sildre
Interdependencies between labour market insecurity and well-being - ev...Anna Baranowska-Rataj, Michael Gebel, Katerina Gousia, Małgorzata Klobuszewska, Olga Nikolaieva, Olena Nizalova, Edward Norton, Magda Rokicka, Jędrzej Stasiowski, Mattias Strandh, Jonas Voßemer, Tallinna Ülikool. Rahvusvaheliste sotsiaaluuringute keskus