Available at the authorised workplace in the National Library of Estonia, Archival Library of the Estonian Literary Museum, Tallinn University of Technology Library, University of Tartu Library and Academic Library of Tallinn University
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Crossing borders: history, dialogue of languages and cultures : 5th international scientific conference on the border of the EU in Narva, Estonia, May 17-19, 2012, Narva, Estonia : abstract book
Editor: Olga Burdakova, Anna Golubeva, Author: dialogue of languages and culturesinternational conference Crossing borders: history
Health in the Baltic countries ; 2002Tervise Arengu Instituut, Eesti Meditsiinistatistika Büroo, Eesti. Sotsiaalministeerium.Statistika- ja analüüsi osakond, Centre for Disease Prevention and Control of Latvia, Lithuanian Health Information Centre