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The effects of heat stress severity on photosynthesis and volatile organic compound emissions in black mustard and tobacco : a thesis for applying for the degree of doctor of philosophy in applied biology = Kuumastressi mõju musta kapsasrohu (Brassica ...
Author: Kaia Kask, Eesti Maaülikool. Põllumajandus- ja keskkonnainstituut, Supervisor: Ülo Niinemets, Astrid Kännaste
Towards a resilient ecosystem of the Baltic Sea Edgars Bojārs, Anda Ruskule, Vivi Fleming-Lehtinen, Eija Rantajärvi, Merle Kuris, Lauri Klein, Georg Martin, Johan Näslund, Frida Fyhr, Andris Urtāns