Available at the authorised workplace in the National Library of Estonia, Archival Library of the Estonian Literary Museum, Tallinn University of Technology Library, University of Tartu Library and Academic Library of Tallinn University
Access restricted in the network of the National Library of Estonia
Access restricted in public network
Conflicts and adaptations : Estonian art of the Soviet era (1940-1991) : the permanent exhibition of the Kumu Art Museum in the A-wing of the 4th floor
Compiler: Anu Allas, Author of text: Anu Allas, Sirje Helme, Liisa Kaljula, Juta Kivimäe, Eha Komissarov, Anu Liivak, Elnara Taidre, Designer: Tuuli Aule, Photographer: Stanislav Stepaško, Translator: Madli Valk, Author: Kumu
Technical data
Eesti Kunstimuuseum
Eesti Kunstimuuseum
SA Eesti Kunstimuuseum ei oma ega saa anda kolmandatele isikutele sublitsentsi võõrandamatute autorõiguste ja autoriõiguslike kasutuspiirangutega kunstiteoste, tekstide, fotode ja muude raamatus avaldatud materjalide osas
Tradition, Creativity and Indigenous Knowledge: Winter School of Inter...Tartu Ülikool. Eesti ja võrdleva rahvaluule osakond, Language and Literature Central University of Jharkhand. Centre for Tribal Folklore, Creativity and Indigenous KnowledgeWinter School of International Folkloristics and Indigenous Culture Tradition